Donations and Volunteers

Appeal for Donations and Volunteer Services

In view of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Ramadan, Noor Al-Islam Society is assembling a community task force to provide food, Iftar, and necessities to the individuals in dire need within our community, especially families with health conditions preventing them from leaving home and in critical need or in otherwise challenging economic situations.

Drive-Thru contactless pick up

  • Iftar pick up will be open 30 minutes before breaking the fast.

  • Please enter through the side entrance of the mosque

  • Exiting of the vehicle and parking will not be permitted

  • Maximum of four meals per family will be permitted

Safety and protection

  • We ask that only one member per family to pick up the meals

  • Mask/protection is required during pick up

  • For your safety volunteers will place food in back seat or trunk


In the spirit of Ramadan – a month of giving Zakat & Sadaqat, and earning Hasanat of order of magnitude rewards, we are appealing for your donations to cover the costs of food and necessities.

Please donate generously to
Noor Al-Islam Society’s COVID-19 Relief Fund to support for your community by “pointing & clicking” the “Donate” button on our website home page and selecting the method of your payment accordingly. Alternatively, you can also contact Gaber Abdou at 917- 216- 4262 to drop off your donations.

One meal = $15.00
Donate Now

Volunteer Service

We are also urging for volunteers to serve and deliver food & necessities to families in our area and appealing for your much-needed services. For volunteering your services, please contact Gaber Abdou at 917-216-4262.


Volunteering with us during COVID-19 Outbreak

If you are not feeling well or have any concerns about volunteering DO NOT VOLUNTEER NOW.

If you have experienced COVID-19 symptoms or have tested positive, or if a member of your household has experienced COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive, please do not volunteer until you or your household member has been symptom-free and fever-free without taking any medication for at least Twenty One days.

Volunteers are needed to help package and to provide drive-Thru meals (contactless curbside pick up service). We have added precautionary protocols to ensure safety for our volunteers and staff. All Volunteers will be given guidelines on how to protect themselves and their daily duties. Please note, we will continue to update our protocols as per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance. Masks and gloves are available to all volunteers. A volunteer supervisor will ensure all volunteers are practicing social distancing at all times.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]

Thank you for your support.


May Allah reward you for your good intentions and deeds to support this worthy cause.

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